Monday, April 19, 2021

10 Chapter 10 Stoneybrook: A Sighting and Investigation

 I would like to thank Julie for the help in developing the character of Sam and the JK storyline. As always you have great ideas! Pizza toast!

The Sleuths of Stoneybrook

Sam and Stacey's plane touched down in Stamford. It has been such a wonderful trip. It was exactly what Stacey and Sam had needed since their schedules were so busy. Sam was a data scientist in the medical field at Stoneybrook Hospital and Stacey was a stockbroker with a weekly financial spot on the Stoneybrook News. Sam's job required him to visit other hospitals from time to time and Stacey enjoyed getting to go to New York to visit her dad, and get the inside scoop on Wall Street. And of course to shop. She and Sam were together and behaved like a married couple, but they were not married. Yet. Stacey hadn't cared that much about until recently. They were getting older and she felt it would be more stable. 

They were going to stay overnight in Stamford and then head back home the next day. They decided to check in to their hotel and then go down to the local pizza place and get some food.

"At least we have some time to adjust back to our time before going to Watson's BBQ." Said Stacey.

"Yes.  I'm glad that everyone is coming. How do you feel about Claudia visiting?"

"I'm not sure. It's not that I don't want to be friends with her. It's kind of like I don't trust her. And something else. I can't pinpoint it. I hope we can figure it out, though."

Around that time, Stacey's cell phone started pinging with messages, one right after the other. They were from everyone.

"Looks like Dawn has a mystery."

Just then she looked up at the tv in the restaurant. They were showing the Stoneybrook news and Stacey's old classmate and friend were reporting.

"According to a source that is a member of the Official JK Rowling Sightings group on Facebook, the famous London author was seen first in New York City, and then again in a store in our very own Stamford. No one knows where the author goes to write her books but her strange periodical disappearances have been brought to attention through multiple London gossip articles that have suddenly gone viral. Where in the world is JK Rowling? We intend to find out. Stay tuned tomorrow morning when we interview the clerk in Stamford that apparently waited on the most famous and mysterious author in the world. I'm Erica Blumberg, and that's news to me."

How strange, Stacey thought. What would JK Rowling be doing in Stamford?

Stacey and Sam took a nice stroll in downtown Stamford. "It almost makes me feel I'm back in New York. Well almost."

Just then she saw a lady that looked very similar to JK Rowling duck into a bookstore on 10th Street. She silently tugged at Sam's sleeve and motioned for him to follow her. The lady was in the kid's mystery section. She stood there a while looking at books before bringing several to the check-out counter. Stacey tried to look interested in a cooking book while Sam was at the magazine stand.

 Stacey gasped! She was buying one of Mallory's books! She also had a British accent. She paid for her items and left. Sam and Stacey ran out to follow her but she was already gone!

Jessi finally got through her last dance class for the morning. She was having Becca take over for the rest of the afternoon while she went with Mallory and Claudia to talk to the elementary principal of Stoneybrook Day School. She was so glad that Mallory was back and staying in Stoneybrook for a while. They were still close but not as close as they used to be when Mallory lived in Stoneybrook. It was difficult at first not having many friends in her class and the other girls going off to high school that following year. But somehow she had navigated her childhood and had made friends.

She didn't want to tell anyone just yet because it might jinx it, but she had been in touch with Derrick Masters about an audition in New York to be the choreographer for a new tv show he was producing. She didn't want to psych herself out either so she was happy to have the mystery as a distraction.

The girls met her outside the dance studio and proceeded to meet Principal Smith in the main building where his office was located.

"Hello, Jessi! Fine work you are doing over in the dance department."

"Thank you, sir. These are my friends Mallory and Claudia. They are doing some research for updating the Stoneybrooke book and correcting some information that was written previously."

He shook their hands.

Mallory tried to be as professional as possible.

"We would like to interview you. Do you mind if my assistant films for a corresponding documentary?"

"Not at all. We can film right here in my office."

"Perfect. Let me just get you to sign this release and we will get started."

He signed the paper and Claudia set her camera up. Mallory sat in a chair adjacent to Principal Smith and they began. 

"Principal Smith, how long have you been the principal here at the Stoneybrook Day Elementary School?"

"I have been the principal of the elementary school for about 15 years now. Before that I was a teacher at the middle school."

"And what subject did you teach when you were there?"

"I was a history teacher. I am also a member of the Stoneybrook Historical Society."

"Can you tell us some about your experience on both campuses of the school?"

"Well Stoneybrook Day was built in 1955. It was founded by Humphrey Porter. It was a private school designed to be progressive in the Montessori sense and those values still hold up today. The school allows the children's natural interests and talents be the basis of their education and build the basics around those talents and interests."

The girls tried to act natural during the rest of the interview. They didn't really find out anything about the chemistry sets, but they had a lead. Who was Humphrey Porter?

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