Monday, May 17, 2021

19 Stoneybrook: Initiation and a Surprise

 I would like to thank Julie for all the Hogwarts and HP help along with helping me with the plot of Dawn in this story. We hope you enjoy our little surprises we throw in here in there in the story. We try to make side characters more prominent in our story and every aspect is fair game! Pizza toast and enjoy!

Initiation and a Surprise

Karen gave Claudia a robe to wear for the secret passage. She said all the people in initiation wear them until they are initiated fully but you can always wear them afterward too. They were going to head down to the Tavern first to meet Ricky and then go down to the main area of the passage one by one. Karen, Dawn, Hannie, and Nancy all went through the passage. It was amazing!

They walked through the hallway and into another one of the big rooms. Above the entrance was a symbol for a Harry Potter house, but Claudia did not see which one. This room was full of plants you could buy. Herbs and essential oils. "We call this the greenhouse. They sell Moana fruit here from Hawaii. You aren't supposed to take it out of Hawaii and it makes you get a buzz like you are drunk." Hannie said.

"Cool," Claudia said. She thought about buying one for Dawn's birthday but decided to wait until after her first visit. Karen moved the group along introducing Claudia to people along the way. They went through a restaurant called Mandrakes that had lots of vegetarian dishes. 

They went through a club-type area that was lighted with floating candles (most places in the passage were lit up from battery-operated lights, Christmas lights, lanterns, and other various techniques). "That's the Ministry Club, but we don't have the time to stop. We have to meet Ricky."

They finally got to a Tavern called The Leaky Cauldron. Ricky already had them a table lit by a lantern. He had ordered them each a Butterbeer and it was delivered by James and Mathew Hobart! "Hi, Claudia!" They said. "Welcome to Hogwarts!"

"Down here they are known as the Weasely Brothers. They make the Butterbeer."

"Good to see you! I saw Ben just the other day." Claudia tried the Butterbeer and it was surprisingly really good! They were all visiting and talking at the table when Alan Gray came up to their table.

"Hey Karen! " he came up and sat next to her. "Claudia! So you're being initiated?"

"Looks like it."

"Well welcome! Karen and I will have to take you to the main hall some time."

"I would love that!"

The next place they headed to, Ricky and Alan in tow, was Hufflepuff Lounge. This was a place that had two separate rooms, one where people could vape or smoke cigars and cigarettes and the other side had essential oil pens. They also sold them with cool names such as Deatheaters Delight and Mandrake Madness. Claudia couldn't help but notice Karen and Alan were acting very much like a couple, holding hands, kissing, the works.

Next, they went to the main section. It was very large and open and there were two stories to it. It reminded Claudia of the inside entrance to Ralph Lauren at Washington Mall. Karen said there wasn't much going on there that night but all kinds of main gatherings were always held there. Tonight there were pushcarts with people selling different items such as jewelry and glow-in-the-dark roses. Alan bought a rose for Karen.

"A rose for my lady," he said. All Claudia could think was she had a lot to report to Kristy about.

The next day Kristy was leaving to go back on the road with her baseball team. She would return when she could throughout the summer and pick up Abby. She didn't want to leave in some ways she didn't want to leave after Claudia reported to her what she saw with Karen and Alan the night before. "Whatever you do keep an eye on them and report back to me."

"Ok Kristy," said Claudia.

Some of the old gang had come to see Kristy off, including Mary Anne, Dawn, Pete, Bart, and Jessi. Dawn had run early that morning with Bart and after they said goodbye to Kristy she was heading over to the recycling center with Pete to see what it looked like now and get the grand VIP tour. Things were getting confusing for Dawn. But she told herself to just be reasonable and have fun. They were all friends, besides she was going back to California in the fall. She would just enjoy Pete and Bart while she was here. She loved hanging out with them both and for different reasons. Once Kristy had set off to sail, Mary Anne and Jessi went off in one direction, Bart in another, and Dawn hopped into Pete's car, and off they went to the recycling center.

Dawn knew the recycling center had expanded a lot and she was excited to check it out. Pete said that the center had also made up stickers for citizens voting for him to put on their bins. 

"One of my friends runs the center now. He moved here from California too. But that was a long time ago." Said Pete.

"That sounds cool. I also have some ideas about plant-based straws for restaurants around town. They are biodegradable and in some cases a lot cheaper than plastic straws."

"These are good ideas, Dawn. You should write some of this down for a booth at the Rainforest marathon. People are going to be setting up booths and making a day of it."

"Really? That sounds awesome. I will write down some ideas and try to get a demonstration together. I'm sure my friends will be glad to help while we are running the marathon. And once the marathon is over I can help out. We can take it in shifts."

"That would be awesome," Pete said as they pulled into the recycling center parking lot. Dawn and Pete walked into the lobby where a receptionist greeted them.

"Hello Pete, the MRF manager is expecting you. And you must be Dawn, the founder! It is an exciting day for us. Let me just tell him that you are here." She went back to her desk and spoke to someone on the phone.

"MRF stands for a materials recovery facility. It's just a fancy word for the recycling center." Pete informed Dawn. 

Just then a familiar-looking man entered in jeans and a waste management t-shirt. Dawn's jaw dropped. Mentally and physically. She immediately knew who it was. She stood there paralyzed from being caught off guard. 

"Pete! Great to see you! Can't wait to show you around. My staff and I have a lot of things for you today. And Dawn! Our founder! You will love what we have done with what you started. Oh, sorry, you may not remember me from school. I'm Jaimie Anderson."

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